
Minggu, 05 Desember 2010


Berikut ini adalah cara-cara menyampaikan salam kepada sesorang yang kita temui dalam kehidupan sehari-haridan cara memperkenalkan diri kita :


Greetings are an act of communication in which human being intentionally make their presence known to each other and to show attention.

Formal Greetings
- Good morning (until about lunch time, before 12 a.m)
- Good afternoon (12-6 p.m)
- Good evening (until about 9 p.m)
- Good morning Sir, Ma'am,

Informal Greetings
- Hi, Tom !
- Morning, Susi !
- Hello..

Initial Greetings
- How are you ? I'm fine thank you.
- How's it doing ?
- How are you doing ?
- How's life ?

Responding to initial greetings
- Very well, thank you. And you ?
- I'm good/okay/alright
- Oh, pretty good
- Not too bad, thanks
- Fine, thanks
- Excellent 
How to introduce youself:
1. Let me introduce myself...
2. Hello, I'm...... (Your name)
3. Hi. I'm.... You can call me...
4. Hello my name is.....
How do you introduce other people:
1. I would like to introduce
2. I wolud like you to meet
3. Excuse me, let me introduce my new friend. His/her name is....
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