
Minggu, 05 Desember 2010

Procedure Text

Text ini untuk memberitahukan cara-cara atau langkah-langkah bila kita ingin membuat sesuatu, seperti kita ingin membuat mie goreng atau yang lain nya :

Procedure Text is a text that is designed to describe how something is achieved through a sequence of actions or steps.It explains how people perform different  processes in a sequence of steps.This text uses simple present tense,often imperative sentence.It also uses the temporal conjunction such as : first,second,then,next,finally,etc

The generic structures of procedure text are:

  • Goal / aim ( or title)
  • Materials ( not required for all procedural texts)
  • Steps ( the actions that must be taken)
For the example
‘’ How to make a sandwich ‘’
( aim/ goal)
You need ( materials)
  • 2 slices of bread
  • Peanut butter
  • A banana
  • Honey
What you should do are ( steps) :
  • Take two slices of bread
  • Spread peanut butter
  • Cut up a banana onto small slices and put them on one of the slices
  • Pour some honey over the bananas
  • Put the other slice of bread on top
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